Train Differently in Management with PULSIONS Pro

Discover and deepen your management style with PULSIONS Pro’s Management Training, offered at two distinct levels. This series of training courses is specially designed for managers and leaders aiming to perfect their leadership through a deeper understanding of behavioural dynamics.

  • Choose Your Level :

Management Training - Level 1

My Management Style

PULSIONS Pro Management Level 1 training is the ideal starting point for managers looking to become aware of their management style and align it with their needs and goals. Specifically designed to guide you through a detailed exploration of your unique management style, it explicitly identifies your strengths as well as your unique behavioral challenges. You emerge equipped to refine your management approach. Join us to unlock untapped potential in your managerial role.

About our Level 1 training


Exploring and refining your personal management style by identifying your strengths and behavioral challenges.

1. Gaining a clear understanding of my natural, spontaneous management style by being aware of:

— My strengths and biases stemming from my profile in how I manage.

— The contexts and situations where I feel comfortable, perform well, or struggle.

— The impacts produced by my management style on my team members through:

    • What I value or do not value.
    • What I appreciate or do not appreciate.
    • How I communicate and provide feedback, or not.
    • My approach to building team spirit and managing relationships with each individual.

— What motivates, stimulates, energizes, and makes me want to get involved in management.

    • What frustrates, demotivates, and exasperates me.

2. Identifying how my profile influences what I do and say when:

— I deal with subjects, situations, and challenges I face:

    • What naturally captures my attention.
    • What I might forget or avoid addressing.

— I communicate with my team to instill dynamism and achieve necessary actions towards addressing subjects and meeting objectives.


Before the training

  • Complete a PULSIONS questionnaire or have a recent result available.

During the training

  • Decode my PULSIONS profile by discussing real-life situations
  • Gain a concrete framework to:
    • Optimize my management style.
    • Prepare myself for addressing important issues or challenges.

Terms & Conditions

  • Prerequisites: None required.
  • Audience: Managers, team leaders, HR managers.
  • Cost: CHF 900.00 excl. VAT. Preferential rates for PULSIONS certified participants: CHF 700.00 excl. VAT.
  • Languages: English and French.
  • Duration: 1 day

Upcoming Level 1 Training Sessions

8 Nov 2024

Management Training

Level 1

Rue du Bois Melly 12,
1205 Genève

28 Jan 2025

Management Training

Level 1

Rue du Bois Melly 12,
1205 Genève

3 Apr 2025

Management Training

Level 1

Ready to start your Managment Level 1 training?

Register now and be at the forefront of human understanding in the professional world.

Management Training - Level 2

Managing my Team Effectively

Building on the exploration of your personal management style with PULSIONS Pro, the Management Level 2 training “Managing my Team Effectively” is designed for managers who aim to deepen their leadership mastery. After discovering and refining your individual approach in Level 1, this advanced module propels you into applying this knowledge to catalyze your team’s performance. By focusing on each member’s unique behavioral profiles, this training equips you with the tools to orchestrate a harmonious and productive team dynamic, ensuring each team member can contribute to their fullest potential.

About our Level 2 training


Implementing effective team management, based on an in-depth understanding of the behavioural profiles of each member of your team.

1. Translating my objectives and the situations I need to manage into:

— Actions to take, ensuring relevant PULSIONS are considered.

— Operational dynamics needed to achieve set goals, manage the subject, project, or situation.

— Deciding whether to make decisions alone or mobilize those involved.

2. Deciding on the management approach for my team or to facilitate project or situational management by:

— Assigning individual responsibilities, recognizing that my team’s performance results from each person’s individual contributions.

— Encouraging teamwork, acknowledging that my team’s performance is enhanced through collaboration.

3. Infusing dynamism within my team and drive action from individuals to whom I delegate responsibilities or activities by:

— Clearly communicating my expectations in a concrete, action-oriented manner.

— Specifying the expected operational dynamics.

— Understanding the PULSIONS profile of individuals involved to decide:

    • Whether to let individuals act independently, aligning tasks with their profiles.
    • Whether to make individuals aware of their natural tendencies and ask them to adapt as required.
    • Whether to delegate to others, considering potential challenges in task execution.Je dois laisser les personnes agir de manière individuelle, autonome, ce que je demande correspondant à leurs profils

4. Providing appropriate follow-up and feedback by:

— Planning follow-up effectively to stay in control of the situation.

— Structuring feedback sessions to:

    • Acknowledge accomplishments.
    • Highlight what I value and appreciate.
    • Address what isn’t working effectively.
    • Provide guidance and redirection if needed.
    • Agree on next steps and how to proceed.


Before the training

  • Complete a PULSIONS questionnaire or have a recent result available.

During the training

  • Decode my PULSIONS profile by discussing real-life situations
  • Gain a concrete framework to:
    • Optimize my management style.
    • Prepare myself for addressing important issues or challenges.

Terms & Conditions

  • Prerequisites: Completion of Level 1 training
  • Audience: Managers, team leaders, HR managers, businesses (pricing upon request)
  • Cost: CHF 1,800.00 excl. VAT. Preferred rates for PULSIONS certified: CHF 1,350.00 excl. VAT. Businesses: pricing upon request.
  • Languages: English and French.
  • Duration: 2 days

Upcoming level 2 training courses

10 Mar 2025
11 Mar 2025

Management Training

Level 2
19 May 2025
20 May 2025

Management Training

Level 2

Ready to start your Managment Level 2 training?

Register now and be at the forefront of human understanding in the professional world.