PULSIONS for achieving performance

PULSIONS is the tool for assessment and positive management. The PULSIONS test reveals what a person DOES, not who they ARE. As a cutting-edge and renowned analytical tool for 20 years, the PULSIONS test identifies HOW a person acts according to the contexts they navigate, highlighting the situations where they thrive or, conversely,

where they encounter obstacles. The PULSIONS questionnaire, composed of 280 items, reveals each individual’s potential. This tool is just as effective for recruitment and management purposes as it is for personal and professional coaching.

Our Services / Your Needs


The quality of leadership and talent management determines a company’s ability to attract, retain and develop top talents. PULSIONS training courses:

  • Equip professionals with an in-depth understanding of behavioural dynamics
  • Ensure a tangible transformation of talent management into a strategic and intentional process
  • Help create a work environment conducive to innovation, satisfaction and performance

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PULSIONS certification distinguishes you as an expert capable of translating behavioural insights into concrete strategies to improve performance. Become certified to:

  • Stand out with a Swiss-made tool that has been validated for over 20 years
  • Independently utilize the PULSIONS methodology
  • Access digital questionnaires through our platform
  • Positively and confidently impact corporate culture

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Aligning talent, teams and strategic objectives is crucial for success.
Our ProPulsions consulting offering, based on the PULSIONS method, helps you:

  • Optimise management and lead effectively
  • Secure recruitment by ensuring precise and aligned profiles
  • Attract and retain your top talents
  • Develop winning strategies and align your talents with your objectives for improved performance

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The Secrets Behind PULSIONS' Precision

The method highlights 4 types of contexts in which a person is likely to act. Each context is represented by a colour: blue, green, orange, and red. These colours do not in any way imply a value judgment: a "red" profile in certain contexts can prove to be highly effective!

Depending on the context, a person can:
Example : I'm looking for a successor...
Act based on their own thoughts/decisions

... and we are in a phase of reform, of transformation
Collaborate to meet needs

... and currently, everything is going well, we are well positioned to secure our future
Collaborate to solve problems

... and our company is facing problems to solve
Trigger or face a rupture

... and our company is in crisis and at risk of bankruptcy

The questionnaire also identifies 8 types of behaviour known as « pulsions » (impulses).

These are the levers activated by each person in a given context. They correspond to the achievement of an objective:


for Personal Performance: achieving fulfillment through one’s own performance

for Utility: carrying out concrete tasks for which one is responsible. Producing and delivering to serve one’s environment through expertise and know-how.

for Liberty: occupying one’s freedom space to derive pleasure from activities.

for Security: mastering the risks and parameters of one’s domain to evolve safely and securely.

for Interest: generating results for oneself and for those to whom one is accountable.

for Own Image: asserting authority in one’s field to enjoy a good reputation

for Novelty: generating new ideas, questioning, and changing what needs to be changed.

for Social: creating and managing quality human relationships to thrive in a positive relational climate.

A Method Validated by Experts

PULSIONS accurately and reliably predicts the behaviours actually adopted by individuals in professional settings, providing managers, executives and consultants with an effective tool for steering their company and their business. The method’s reliability has been validated through psychometric studies conducted by Dr. José Miguel Sepulveda. His analysis confirmed the effectiveness and precision of the PULSIONS method.

Dr. José Miguel Sepulveda is a psychologist specializing in occupational psychology. As an assessment tool expert, he co-authored «Révélez vos talents, Cartographie des outils psychométriques de développement»

Validation certificate (in french)


How is the PULSIONS test more than just a personality test?

PULSIONS is unique in that it exclusively identifies the behaviours individuals actually exhibit in the course of their activities. Therefore, it’s not a personality test but rather a tool that predicts how someone will approach and fulfill tasks and responsibilities entrusted to them.

How can focusing exclusively on actions and not on personality be more effective?

Understanding how a person operates is crucial when entrusting them with tasks or responsibilities. Is their approach suitable for our environment, culture, current job context, and challenges at hand? The PULSIONS questionnaire serves as an excellent complement to various personality tests on the market because it goes beyond personality traits to reveal how individuals will concretely act in given situations.

Why is the PULSIONS tool a real asset within a company?

The PULSIONS questionnaire yields highly reliable results, enabling individuals to pragmatically assess their actions, identify effective and ineffective contexts and situations, and become aware of the dynamics their behaviors create within their sphere of activity. The technical manual can be obtained upon request from PULSIONS Management SA.

High-Quality Support

Over 100 certified consultants are trained to analyze the alignment between natural behavior and the demands of a professional context. Their expertise assists you in defining your professional challenges and enables you and your team to act with confidence to achieve your objectives.

Become certified in PULSIONS yourself to master this method and apply it autonomously within your professional environment, thereby boosting both your and your team’s effectiveness.

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